Nathalie Eysackers
Lab Technican
Administrators / Technicians
Academic Degree
- 2009, BSc (3-years) in Biomedical Laboratory Technology by the Karel de Grote-Hogeschool. Traineeship/thesis (2009) performed at VIB – Department of Molecular Genetics, University of Antwerp, entitled Identification and characterization of mutations in genes for Alzheimer’s dementia under the supervision of Dr. Kristel Sleegers.
Selected Publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals
- Mannaerts I, Leite SB, Verhulst S, Claerhout S, Eysackers N, Thoen LF, Hoorens A, Reynaert H, Halder G, van Grunsven LA. “The Hippo pathway effector YAP controls mouse hepatic stellate cell activation.” 2015, J Hepatol.
- Rossen, E., Z. Liu, Blijweert D, Eysackers N, Mannaerts I, Schroyen B, El Taghdouini A, Edwards B, Davies KE, Sokal E, Najimi M, Reynaert H, van Grunsven LA. "Syncoilin is an intermediate filament protein in activated hepatic stellate cells." 2013, Histochemistry and Cell Biology
- Mannaerts, I., Eysackers N., Onyema OO, Van Beneden K, Valente S, Mai A., Odenthal M., van Grunsven L.A. "Class II HDAC Inhibition Hampers Hepatic Stellate Cell Activation by Induction of MicroRNA-29." 2013, PLoS ONE 8(1): e55786
Scientific Activities
- Lab Technician at the Liver Cell Biology Lab, VUB, Brussel under the supervision of Professor Leo van Grunsven
- August 2009 – December 2013: Transcriptional regulation by HDACs during liver stellate cell activation and fibrogenesis.
- January 2014 – December 2016: Extensive characterization of different human liver progenitor cell populations / The link between hypoxia and progenitor cells during liver carcinogenesis.
- January 2017 – September 2017: Human liver disease: study of the hepatic stem cells and their niche, and development of novel model system.
- October 2017 – October 2018: Humanized Immune Liver Mouse and 3 D in vitro models for the study and therapy of liver disease
- November 2018 - December 2020: YAP as a master regulator of fibrosis
- FELASA Course for the care and handling of laboratory animals (2010)
Brussels Health Campus
VUB - Laarbeeklaan 103
Building D - Ground Floor - Room D025B
1090 Brussels