Publication in Biofabrication
"Human iPSC-derived liver co-culture spheroids to model liver fibrosis"Publication in JHEP Reports
"Orphan receptor GPR176 in hepatic stellate cells exerts a profibrotic role in chronic liver disease"Co-publication in Science
Hippo signaling instructs ectopic but not normal organ growth. W Kowalczyk, L Romanelli, M Atkins, H Hillen, C Bravo González-Blas, J Jacobs, J Xie, S Soheily, E Verboven I M Moya, S Verhulst, M de Waegeneer, L Sansores-Ga...Publication in Biomaterials
Modelling fatty liver disease with mouse liver-derived multicellular spheroids van Os EA, Cools L, Eysackers N, Szafranska K, Smout A, Verhulst S, Reynaert H, McCourt P, Mannaerts I, van Grunsven LA. Biomaterials. 2022 Nov;290:121817.IC-3Rs Symposium 2022: First place for LIVR members Mina Kazemzadeh & Laura Cools in video contest
MORE SCIENCE, MORE CARE, LESS ANIMALSPublication in Frontiers of Medicine
Improved Precision-Cut Liver Slice Cultures for Testing Drug-Induced Liver Fibrosis Liza Dewyse, Vincent De Smet, Stefaan Verhulst, Nathalie Eysackers, Rastislav Kunda, Nouredin Messaoudi, Hendrik Reynaert and Leo A.Prestigious 4-year postdoctoral fellowship by the "Stichting Tegen Kanker" (Foundation against Cancer) for LIVR member Inge Mannaerts
VUB scientists Inge Mannaerts and Sofie Deschoemaeker have been awarded a prestigious four-year postdoctoral fellowship by the Stichting Tegen Kanker. Mannaerts received it for her research on tumours in the liver, and Deschoemaeker for her research on better treatment of breast cancer.Publication in Cell Death and Disease
Initiation of hepatic stellate cell activation extends into chronic liver disease Vincent De Smet, Nathalie Eysackers, Vincent Merens, Mina Kazemzadeh Dastjerd, Georg Halder, Stefaan Verhulst, Inge Mannaerts & Leo A.Publication in Frontiers in Medicine
"Gene Signatures Detect Damaged Liver Sinusoidal Endothelial Cells in Chronic Liver Diseases" Verhulst S, Van Os EA, De Smet V, Eysackers N, Mannaerts I, van Grunsven LA.Tekort aan donoren voor levertransplantatie door corona Kinderuniversiteit
Schrijf je in voor de Online ontmoetingsweek voor lagere scholen met o.m. een sessie door LIVR member Inge Mannaerts op maandag 21 juni (+/- 1 uur): "Je lever heeft superkrachten" Wist je dat we allemaal een orgaan hebben met ‘superkrachten’?Publication in Nature Protocols
Directed differentiation of human induced pluripotent stem cells to hepatic stellate cells. Julia Vallverdú, Raquel A.Co-publication in Journal of Hepatology
Direct reprogramming of somatic cells into induced hepatocytes: cracking the Enigma code. Matthias Rombaut, Joost Boeckmans, Robim M Rodrigues, Leo A van Grunsven, Tamara Vanhaecke, Joery De Kock in Cardiovascular Research
Endothelial Zeb2 preserves the hepatic angioarchitecture and protects against liver fibrosis Willeke de Haan, Wouter Dheedene, Katerina Apelt, Sofiane Décombas-Deschamps, Stefan Vinckier, Stefaan Verhulst, Andrea Conidi, Thomas Deffieux, Michael W Staring...Co-Publication in Cell Death and Disease
PU.1 drives specification of pluripotent stem cell-derived endothelial cells to LSEC-like cells.Co-publication in Gastroenterology
Regeneration Defects in Yap and Taz Mutant Mouse Livers are Caused by Bile Duct Disruption and Cholestasis in Biomaterials
The fibrotic response of primary liver spheroids recapitulates in vivo hepatic stellate cell activation. TODAY in Journal of Hepatology
Single cell RNA sequencing analysis did not predict hepatocyte infection by SARS-CoV-2 De Smet V, Verhulst S, van Grunsven LA. J Hepatol. 2020 May 27:S0168-8278(20)30349-4. doi: 10.1016/j.jhep.2020.05.030. Online ahead of print.Online PhD Thesis defense by LIVR member Joeri Lambrecht
Novel biomarkers for early stage live fibrosisCo-publication in Science
Peritumoral activation of the Hippo pathway effectors YAP and TAZ suppresses liver cancer in mice.Interview with LIVR Postdoc Stefaan Verhulst (dutch, HLN, Sept. 24th 2019)
interview Stefaan Verhulst : on the impact of secondary school study results for a future academic careerCo-publication in Immunity
Stellate Cells, Hepatocytes, and Endothelial Cells Imprint the Kupffer Cell Identity on Monocytes Colonizing the Liver Macrophage Niche.Liver publication in Cells
Meta-Analysis of Human and Mouse Biliary Epithelial Cell Gene Profiles. Cells 2019, 8(10), 1117; publication in Cells
The miRFIB-Score: A Serological miRNA-Based Scoring Algorithm for the Diagnosis of Significant Liver FibrosisLIVR publication In EBioMedicine
A PDGFRβ-based score predicts significant liver fibrosis in patients with chronic alcohol abuse, NAFLD and viral liver diseaseLeo van Grunsven at the Society of Toxicology Meeting , March 10-14, 2019 (Baltimore, Maryland, USA)  ...Leo van Grunsven at the Society of Toxicology Meeting , March 10-14, 2019 (Baltimore, Maryland, USA)  ...Presentations by LIVR members at the Belgian Week of Gastroenterology 2019 (Antwerp, 20-22/02/2019)
Joeri Lambrecht + Inge Mannaerts...Presentations by LIVR members at the Belgian Week of Gastroenterology 2019 (Antwerp, 20-22/02/2019)
Joeri Lambrecht: The sPDGFR-beta containing PRTA-score is a novel diagnostic algorithm for significant liver fibrosis in patients with viral, alcoholic, and metabolic liver disease Inge Mannaerts: Constructing a primary mouse 3D hepatic co-culture model that recapitulates HSC...Unfolded protein response is an early, non-critical event during hepatic stellate cell activation
Publication: Cell Death Dis. 2019 Feb 4;10(2):98. doi: 10.1038/s41419-019-1327-5.Aldehyde dehydrogenase activity of Wharton jelly mesenchymal stromal cells: isolation and characterization
Publication: Cytotechnology. 2019 Jan 4. doi: 10.1007/s10616-018-0283-8. [Epub ahead of print]...Foreskin-derived mesenchymal stromal cells with aldehyde dehydrogenase activity: isolation and gene profiling.
Co-publication: BMC Cell Biol. 2018 Apr 6;19(1):4. doi: 10.1186/s12860-018-0157-0.Aldehyde Dehydrogenase Activity in Adipose Tissue: Isolation and Gene Expression Profile of Distinct Sub-population of Mesenchymal Stromal Cells.
Co-Publication: Stem Cell Rev. 2018 Aug;14(4):599-611. doi: 10.1007/s12015-017-9777-6.Prospects in non-invasive assessment of liver fibrosis: Liquid biopsy as the future gold standard?
Review: Biochim Biophys Acta. 2018 Apr;1864(4 Pt A):1024-1036. doi: 10.1016/j.bbadis.2018.01.009. Epub 2018 Jan 9.
- Practical info-
EASL Liver Cancer Summit 2023
- Practical info-
Autumn Meeting of The Belgian Society for Cell and Developmental Biology (20-21/09/2018)
Cell and Tissue Mechanics in Physiology and Disease - Practical info-
5th Annual Meeting of the Belgian Society for Stem Cell Research (26/10/2018)
Stem Cells: From Fundamental Discoveries To Life Saving Clinical Treatments